
[家族Camping] バンフ国立公園で初めてのファミリーキャンプ ③ First Family Camping in Banff/ Downtown Banff and Cascade Pond


This is our last day of our uur first ever family camping event!! After we cleaned up the site and packed everything to our little vehicle. We drove off to Banff”s Cascade Pond. We had our bento (Japanese style lunch boxes) there. After our meal, we walked around the pond and Tsuki had a wonderful time. He did not wanna go home at the end and kept crying. Anyhow we will be heading back soon again as we have had a wonderful time from our camping. In the next episode we are going to show some of our camping gears such as our tent and some features of our camp site.

As beginners for camping, I hope we are going learn more about nature and camping skills during our journeys. Thank you for watching.




次回は初キャンプのために購入したテントやギア、失敗談などをまとめた動画にする予定です。なかなか頻繁にアップできませんが、もし良ければ通知をオンにしてお待ちください^ ^

今次係我哋野外露營😂 ☝🏻 in Banff ’s Tunnel Mountain 嘅最後一日, 最後嗰個帳幕竟然比風吹到反轉咗搞到一塔胡塗不過 無驚無險都搞掂咗希望下一次會有改進。如果喜歡我哋嘅朋友請按中仔留意 以後嘅片段多謝大家收看

Tunnel Mountain Village 1 Campground
Tunnel Mountain Village 1 Campground is located within close proximity to the town of Banff. This campground offers a more traditional camping experience with m...

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